
Growing With Intent: Part 2

August 22, 2021 • Elias Ozuna

1. Run to the Cross – Sin is dealt with at the cross.

2. Put yourself in situations to experience God – Be intentional about being were God is. (church, etc)

3. Don’t be afraid to get uncomfortable for God’s Kingdom – Stepping out of your comfort zone is where you will see signs and wonders.

Main Point: Grow with intent. Be purposeful in strengthening your relationship with God and you will see God move in your circumstances.

Run to the Cross

King David’s Example of Repenting quickly

2 Samuel 12:1-13. David sinned against God and was confronted by the Prophet Nathan. David responded quickly and repented.

David’s Response

Psalm 51:10-19. Create in me a clean heart. David did not want to live without God’s presence and desired to return to the joy of his salvation.

Pastor’s Thoughts:

-David wasn’t perfect but he did have a heart to please God. His quick repentance helped him to continue to strengthen his walk with God.

-Repenting quickly is an important part of growing with intent in the Lord. 

-If we allow sin to fester, we will stunt our growth in Christ. Repenting makes us from the yoke of sin.

Put yourself in situations to experience God.

Zacchaeus put himself in as situation to experience God. He made it happen.

Luke 19:1-10. Because Zacchaeus put himself in a situation to see God in the flesh, salvation came to his house. 

Pastor’s Thoughts:

-When you put yourself in situations to experience God, then your spirit will be renewed, strengthened. 

-You will grow in wisdom and your passion for Christ will grow deeper and deeper.

Don’t be afraid to get uncomfortable for God’s Kingdom.

Peter stepped out of the comforts of the secure boat to be with Jesus. 

Matthew 14:22-29. Peter stepped out of his comfort zone, he experienced the supernatural hand of God.

Pastor’s Thoughts:

If you begin to get uncomfortable for God’s Kingdom, you will see signs and wonders.