Main Point: Make it Happen. Grow with intent. Be purposeful in strengthening your relationship with God and you will see God move in your circumstances.
3 Ways to grow with intent. (Memorize these phrases)
Run to the Cross – Sin is dealt with at the cross.
Put yourself in situations to experience God – Be intentional about being were God is. (church, etc)
Don’t be afraid to get uncomfortable for God’s Kingdom – Stepping out of your comfort zone is where you will see signs and wonders.
Luke 19:1-10. Zacchaeus made it happen.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
I love the story of Zacchaeus because it highlights a very important point about growing with intent as a Christian. The point is this Zacchaeus made it happen.
He couldn’t see Jesus so he climbed the tree and when Jesus saw the effort, Jesus responded.
Before this event happened, it is evident that Zacchaeus was known as a thief and a chief sinner. He was morally corrupt. So what changed? Why dis Zacchaeus want to see Jesus.
Why did Zacchaeus make it happen? Why do sinners repent? Sinners repent when they are tired of being morally corrupt and they recognize they need a Savior.
Jesus saw that Zacchaeus, made it happen because Zacchaeus wanted to change and be right with God.
Do not be satisfied with your current walk with God. Choose to grow with intent.
Zacchaeus wasn’t satisfied.
If you find yourself felling empty from time to time as a Christian, that is a sign that it is time to press in. Time to make it happen.
Pray more. Read your bible more. Serve others more. If you in debt, find opportunities to help others financially or otherwise with a little help here and a little help there. God is looking to and fro for godly hearts. Make it happen.
Matthew 6:19-21. Lay treasures in heaven not treasures on earth. Earthly treasures die. Heavenly treasures are eternal.
Pastor’s thoughts:
In life there are things we can control and there are things we can’t control.
We can’t control what others do. We can guide and recommend but we can’t control others.
We can’t control all circumstances in our lives.
But we can control where we lay our treasures
God is calling his church to action. Make it happen.
Pray daily. This is a heavenly treasure. Make it happen.
Read your bible daily. This is a heavenly treasure. Make it happen.
Be faithful to church attendance. This is a heavenly treasure. Make it happen.
Be faithful in giving. This is a heavenly treasure. Make it happen.
Used your spiritual gifts. This is a heavenly treasure. Make it happen