
Study: Lamentations 2:1-12

February 28, 2024 • Pastor Gjerde • Lamentations 2:1–12

Word at the Middle of the Week

Zion Lutheran Church - Wausau, WI (LCMC)


Art: Lamentation of Christ by Raffaellino del Garbo (d. 1527 A.D.)

Pastor Gjerde continues our Lenten study today on the book of Lamentations. We pick up where we left off last week, beginning at 2:1.

How do we read Lamentations in light of God's mercy shown in Jesus Christ? How can Lamentations help us to lament with faithfulness? How can Lamentations help us to be more compassionate to fellow sufferers? How can great and good things, like compassion, actually turn into a form of idolatry and actually lead someone away from faith, from God?

Lamenting can be a helpful antidote to doubt and unbelief. The poetry of Lamentations can be a helpful guide to express the deepest sorrows, frustrations, and disappointments of our lives in prayer.

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