
Love One Another - John 13 pt.3

March 17, 2024 • Pastor Scott • John 13:31–35

Jesus commands us to 'love one another' as He has loved us. By this, Jesus becomes both the standard and example of love for us. This is important for us today, as followers of Jesus, because our culture is actively working to redefine love in its own image rather than in the image of Christ. We must not separate Jesus and His cross from our understanding of what love is and what it should look like.

The Helper - John 16 pt.1

June 2, 2024 • Pastor Scott • John 16:1–15

Despite facing confusion, loss, and opposition, believers are reassured by Jesus' promise of the Holy Spirit, who will guide, empower, and help them live fruitful lives and continue His mission. Jesus teaches us that trusting in God's goodness and the Spirit's assistance is essential for living a fruitful Christian life and sharing the gospel effectively.

Promised Persecution - John 15 pt.3

May 26, 2024 • Pastor Scott • John 15:18–27, John 16:1–4

In John 15, Jesus promises persecution for his disciples in this world. Throughout these chapters Jesus has been preparing His disciples for the challenges they will face in a world that will often be hostile to their message and their way of life. As followers of Christ in our world today, we too are called to understand the reality of opposition and to heed the call to remain steadfast in our faith in the midst of it.

In the Know

May 12, 2024 • Rob Mikesic • Numbers 22:1–6

In Numbers 22, the Israelites are encamped outside of Moab. Balak, the Moabite King, is faced with a decision…what to do? He had knowledge of the Hebrews. Balak failure to use all the information and seek more led to eternal implications for him and his people. We too are faced with much information and knowledge of Jesus. Jesus asks his disciples, “Who do you say I am?” How this question is handled has eternal implications for us as well.