
Faith, Fear, and a Sovereign God - John 11 pt. 3

October 29, 2023 • Pastor Scott • John 11:45–57

The Bible teaches us that God is Sovereign, and yet, at the same time we are still responsible for our words and actions. The religious leaders in John 11 reject Jesus and then, in their stubbornness and sin, plot to kill him. They are guilty and culpable for their sinful decisions and actions, and yet Scripture affirms that God is Sovereignly working through it all to bring about His plan of Salvation though the cross of Jesus Christ.

Promised Persecution - John 15 pt. 3

May 26, 2024 • Pastor Scott • John 15:18–27, John 16:1–4

In John 15, Jesus promises persecution for his disciples in this world. Throughout these chapters Jesus has been preparing His disciples for the challenges they will face in a world that will often be hostile to their message and their way of life. As followers of Christ in our world today, we too are called to understand the reality of opposition and to heed the call to remain steadfast in our faith in the midst of it.

The Master's Command - John 15 pt.2

May 19, 2024 • Pastor Scott • John 15:12–17

As followers of Christ, we are called to embody His love in all that we do. The command to love one another as He has loved us is not a suggestion but rather, it is a fundamental aspect of our identity as His disciples. So then, let us heed Jesus' words and strive to love our brothers and sisters in Christ sacrificially and selflessly, choosing to do good to others in the name of Jesus.

Abide - John 15 pt. 1

April 21, 2024 • Pastor Scott • John 15:1–11

In John 15, Jesus emphasizes the importance of abiding in Him as the key to a fruitful life. He uses the metaphor of a vine and branches to illustrate this deep spiritual truth. Just as branches remain connected to the vine to receive nourishment and bear fruit, believers are called to abide in Jesus, drawing strength, wisdom, and life from Him. Jesus assures His followers that by abiding in Him, they will experience His love, joy, and peace in abundance. This command to abide in Him challenges believers to cultivate a close, ongoing relationship with Jesus, relying on His presence and power for every aspect of life.