
08 - The Redeeming Power of Jesus

Restored to Favor

April 22, 2018 • Jordan D. Gash

God has promised to REDEEM and deliver our lives from destruction. Like Joseph and others in the Bible, God has the power to take us from the pit to a place of royalty and influence! In this message, you will be encouraged to look past the low places you may encounter in life to the faithful love of God and His power to redeem and restore! Choosing to do so produces an inner joy and an unstoppable faith that can overcome any trial you may face!

01 - His Loving Favor

February 18, 2018 • Jordan D. Gash

The Bible teaches that God's loving favor is valuable and that it is to be chosen over silver and gold. Many individuals in the Bible discovered that with God's favor came true life, salvation, promotion and victory. Did you know that God has favored you? If you believe in Jesus, you are His child and you are a daily recipient of His loving favor! In this message, you will be encouraged to let this foundational truth impact every area of your life. #FAVOR

02 - Robed with Favor

March 4, 2018 • Jordan D. Gash

In the Bible, Joseph's father loved him so much that he gave him a distinctive coat. This coat said to the world that his father loved him and that he was highly favored. Did you know that you too have been given a coat of favor? The day that you believed in Jesus, your Heavenly Father wrapped His coat of favor around you to tell the world that you are loved, approved, valued and accepted in His eyes! In this message, you will be encouraged about the loving FAVOR that Jesus brought to the world and the power that is released in the lives of those that believe in Him! #FAVOR #HisLovingFavor

03 - A Favor Mindset

March 11, 2018 • Jordan D. Gash

The day that you believed in Jesus, God poured out His grace and special FAVOR on you and it made you a new person in God's eyes. Now, as a child of God, His favor is with you everyday! The question is, do you see yourself that way? In this message, you will be encouraged about the powerful change and transformation that takes place in our lives when we choose to adopt a "favor mindset" and think in line with what the Bible says. #favor #HisLovingFavor