
"The Greater One Lives in You" (Part 1)

June 2, 2024 • Pastor Asa Dockery

"The Greater One Lives in You" -How much power does a thought have? The question should be, "How much power do we allow a thought to have over us to control our decisions?" Satan is able to convince us that our problems are bigger than our God by getting us to focus on them instead of God. What we focus on, we will give power to be enlarged in our hearts and minds. Eventually, what began as a thought can become so large in our hearts that we see problems as being greater than the God who is greater and lives within us.

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"The Power of Doubt" (Part 2)

June 23, 2024 • Pastor Asa Dockery

"The Power of Doubt" -If we fully understood the power of doubt, we would be less likely to allow doubt to impact our heart and decisions. Satan sets out to distort and pervert everything that God originates to utilize those things against anyone who places their faith in God or His Word. If faith gives us the ability to receive salvation, then doubt has the power to cause believers to walk away from the Lord to live as they please. Doubt is perverted faith that we allow to influence our hearts, decisions, and lives once our faith has been compromised. This is why we must keep our hearts with all diligence.

The Power of Doubt (Part 1)

June 16, 2024 • Pastor Asa Dockery

"The Power of Doubt" -If we fully understood the power of doubt, we would be less likely to allow doubt to impact our heart and decisions. Satan sets out to distort and pervert everything that God originates to utilize those things against anyone who places their faith in God or His Word. If faith gives us the ability to receive salvation, then doubt has the power to cause believers to walk away from the Lord to live as they please. Doubt is perverted faith that we allow to influence our hearts, decisions, and lives once our faith has been compromised. This is why we must keep our hearts with all diligence.

"The Greater One Lives in You" (Part 2)

June 9, 2024 • Pastor Asa Dockery

"The Greater One Lives in You" -How much power does a thought have? The question should be, "How much power do we allow a thought to have over us to control our decisions?" Satan is able to convince us that our problems are bigger than our God by getting us to focus on them instead of God. What we focus on, we will give power to be enlarged in our hearts and minds. Eventually, what began as a thought can become so large in our hearts that we see problems as being greater than the God who is greater and lives within us.