
The Older Shall Serve the Younger

March 21, 2024 • Pastor Asa Dockery • Genesis 25:20–34, 1 Corinthians 15:42–49, John 17:13–17, 1 Peter 5:5–11, Hebrews 11:24–27

"The Older Shall Serve the Younger" -Perhaps you've been seeking for answers to tough situations that you've endured in your life but haven't gotten them. In this word from God, you will receive powerful insights that will illuminate the eyes of your understanding and give you answers that you have needed. There is a war that all Christians are fighting. This war comes from within us as God's children who have been born of the Spirit. The war that I speak of is between our flesh and the Spirit that dwells in us. We are the ones who will determine if the flesh wins or if the Spirit will be able to give us victory over the flesh.

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Faith Makes Us Overcomers

June 2, 2024 • Pastor Asa Dockery

"Faith Makes Us Overcomers" -If you are born again, according to 1 John 5, you have already overcome the world. If you have a trying situation where someone comes against you, you must respond to that person in the Spirit by faith in Christ. If not, you will forfeit your victory over the world because you have chosen to respond in your strength instead of God's strength. Our faith should be very precious and value to us as Christians. Otherwise, if our faith isn't valuable to us, we might fall prey to Satan's devices and forfeit our spiritual authority and victory over him.

The Grace to be Content

May 29, 2024 • Pastor Asa Dockery

"The Grace to be Content" -There is grace to empower Christians to be content while enduring suffering. We are living in a time when people inside and outside the church are easily offended. Our Lord teaches us in John 16 how to avoid being offended. Offense is a trap of the enemy to stop people and Christians from seeking the deeper things of God. The key to avoid offense is learning how to be content in all things. God has a word in season for all believers who hunger for the truth that makes us free.

Encouragement for Your Soul

May 27, 2024 • Pastor Asa Dockery

"Encouragement for Your Soul" -The Devil seeks opportunities to play tricks on our minds as Christians. He will work through thoughts, feelings, and bad news to try and convince us that we are defeated as Christians. If you hear a negative report or a lie from Satan, you will be discouraged. Nothing good comes from Satan. Therefore, Christian have to be able to recognize when Satan is speaking to them or if the world has their attention. Otherwise, we can fall prey to discouragement and even depression if we believe the reports of the enemy. Every Christian that is struggling needs to hear this message and take it to heart.