
The Truth About Knowledge

June 23, 2024 • Pastor Asa Dockery

"The Truth about Knowledge" -It was Satan that deceived Eve to pursue knowledge instead of pursuing God. Eve had a greater hunger to be like God through knowledge than to know God. Since that day, Satan has worked through people's thirst for knowledge to cause so many to reject knowing God personally. Why not? It worked on Adam and Eve. You can read the Bible all day, everyday, and that alone won't cause you to know God. However, when you seek the Lord with your whole heart, you will come to know the Lord. Those who know God will be able to overcome the Devil.

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Getting Over It

June 26, 2024 • Pastor Asa Dockery

"Getting Over It" -Have you ever desired something, so you took a leap of faith and opened your life up to it and discovered it wasn't right for you? Sometimes, we can open ourselves up to the wrong people and things that cause us severe pain and regret. At some point in a wrong relationship or wrong situation, we generally realize that we have had enough and we are over it. Once we are over someone or something that didn't end well for us, we still have to live with the consequences that that decision took a lot of our time and effort away from us that we will never get back. Life in this world will produce sorrow at some point, but the blessing of the Lord doesn't cause us sorrow. Are you ready to get over it and move on in Christ?

A Witness to the Truth

June 19, 2024 • Pastor Asa Dockery

"A Witness to the Truth" -Whenever there has been an automotive accident or someone commits a crime, law enforcement will question eyewitnesses, if there are any who saw what occurred. If as a Christian, you share your faith in Jesus to be God's Son and your resurrected Savior, are you an eyewitness of Jesus? How can Christians be witnesses of Jesus and His resurrection if we've never seen Him with our eyes? This message will be an eye opener for Christians.

Hope for the Broken

June 16, 2024 • Pastor Asa Dockery

"Hope for the Broken" -In John 10, Jesus teaches that the thief does not come but to steal, to kill, and to destroy. Jesus goes on to state that He had come that we might have eternal life and life in abundance. If you are feeling abandoned and broken spiritually, God has a word for you. It is Satan who breaks us, but it is God who seeks to humble us. Whenever we feel broken, God invites us to humble ourselves and seek Him that He might restore our souls.