
What Do You See?

May 19, 2024 • Pastor Asa Dockery

"What Do You See?" -When you look at the world and its issues, what do you see? When you look at the things that are occurring in your life presently, what do you see? There's more to what we see than being able to receive information through eyes. Our eyes, ears, and mind are directly connected to our heart. Our heart takes in the information that we see and will render a judgement about what is happening to us or around us. If we guard our hearts spiritually, it will change the way we see things.

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After This

June 13, 2024 • Pastor Asa Dockery

"After This" -There are many seasons and phases that Christians must grow through in our walk of faith. The Spirit of God is constantly working in and with us to mature us into the image of Christ. Sometimes, it can take years of living by faith before we truly learn how to trust the Lord with our whole heart. It is after we come to the place that we truly love and trust God that He will begin a new work in us. "After This" is a word in season for all Christians.

The Blessings of Humility

June 9, 2024 • Pastor Asa Dockery

"The Blessings of Humility" -This message will equip you with the truth about living a humble life as a Christian. There are countless blessings that come on the lives of those who choose to humble themselves under God's mighty hand. Moreover, living humbly unto the Lord can spare Christians from a lot of anguish and sorrow. We know that the blessing of the Lord adds no sorrow to our lives. I sense that this message is going to be used by the Lord to liberate many believers so that we all can enjoy the liberty that comes through our humility.

Proclaiming the Truth With Power

June 5, 2024 • Pastor Asa Dockery

"Proclaiming the Truth with Power" -God didn't send Jesus to earth without power. Jesus is the Word of God that became flesh. Not only did Jesus proclaim the truth, but He did it with power that saved the lost and set the captives free. He was able to restore sight to the blind and He raised the dead. Whenever the truth of God is being declared, the power of God should be present too. Truth isn't just given to be heard, but as we hear the truth, it should transform our hearts and lives to be Christ like.