"Trust God With the Process" -If there is one thing that Satan and demons enjoy doing to Christians, it would have to be applying pressure to our lives and faith through afflictions. If there is one thing that God wants us to do when pressures start building is trust Him to get us through the afflictions. If there is one thing that our flesh nature and self wants us to do as Christians when under extreme pressure, it would be to help God to help us get the pressure off of us. When we try to help God to help us, we frustrate God's grace and plan for us spiritually and could cause the process to take longer than intended by the Father. Every Christian needs this message from the Lord.
Joy Comes to Those Who Sorrow
January 8, 2025 • Pastor Asa Dockery
"Joy Comes to Those Who Sorrow" -As humans, who are also Christians, we can see things of this world differently than God sees them to be. For this reason, we tend to shy away from things that look bad or may cause us to suffer. Anytime, we are serving God and we encounter suffering or persecution, we ought to view it as good, not evil. Since Christians are reluctant, many times, to view something that appears bad as good or to see something that hurts as being good, we draw back instead of stand in faith. Since we may choose to draw back or walk away from the Lord because of suffering, we need spiritual understanding to empower us to stand and not run. Here's your word from the Lord!
Operating in the Authority of God
January 5, 2025 • Pastor Asa Dockery
"Operating in the Authority of God" -Do Christians really need to know the truth written in the Word of God? If Christians listen to someone that does not declare the Word of God correctly, those who hear what is being spoken won't have confidence to obey God. Anytime that the truth is declared truthfully, the Holy Spirit will confirm the truth as the truth of God. Once the Holy Spirit bears witness of the truth with our spirit, His witness will give us confidence to speak it and obey it in our lives. God won't confirm man's opinions or beliefs as truth. Therefore, man cannot take glory for anything that God has revealed or fulfilled in us as Christians.
A New Year and a New Perspective
January 1, 2025 • Pastor Asa Dockery
"A New Year and a New Perspective" -How Christians perceive God and the trials of this life to be could be the one thing that holds a lot of believers back in their faith. It is essential that we take the time to learn God's Word and His ways so that our minds can be renewed. Many Christians live their lives being frustrated and unfulfilled because they do not clearly see as God sees. Instead of giving into defeat and allowing the enemy to gain control over us, we have to train ourselves to live for God whole-heartedly for the Lord by dying to self. If something is good in the Spirit but we perceive it as bad in our carnal mind, to us, it will be bad. Yes, you need this word from the Lord.-How Christians perceive God and the trials of this life to be could be the one thing that holds a lot of believers back in their faith. It is essential that we take the time to learn God's Word and His ways so that our minds can be renewed. Many Christians live their lives being frustrated and unfulfilled because they do not clearly see as God sees. Instead of giving into defeat and allowing the enemy to gain control over us, we have to train ourselves to live for God whole-heartedly for the Lord by dying to self. If something is good in the Spirit but we perceive it as bad in our carnal mind, to us, it will be bad. Yes, you need this word from the Lord.
Truth and Lies Cannot Agree
December 29, 2024 • Pastor Asa Dockery
"Truth and Lies Cannot Agree" -Is it possible to literally be walking with Jesus and watch Him perform miracles and still not know who He is? Could it be possible to have a personal encounter with the God of creation where you hear His voice tell you that Jesus is His Son and you still not believe? Is it possible for Jesus to give you power and authority and you perform great miracles by His Spirit and you still not know who He is? It's very possible to walk with Jesus and to experience all of the things that I have mentioned and still not know who He is when you believe lies about Him instead of the truth.
This Child
December 22, 2024 • Pastor Asa Dockery
"This Child" -Imagine a Child that is born that is like no other. Suppose, you were Mary and you heard that you will conceive and have the Son of God. Imagine how Mary must have felt when she heard the angel tell her that her Son would reign over the house of Jacob forever. Gabriel also informed Mary that her Son would have a Kingdom that would endure forever. Who has ever had a child that came into this world with the promise that they would live forever? There was great mystery that surrounded the birth of "This Child." It would be these mysteries that God would work through to reveal His redemptive plan for the salvation of the lost.
Getting Wrapped Up
December 18, 2024 • Pastor Asa Dockery
"Getting Wrapped Up" -The world has ways of trapping people in their webs that can produce unnecessary pressure. It's proven that depression and anxiety escalates in the hearts of people during the holiday season. What causes the pressure to exist? It's the way that the world portrays the holidays. As Christians, we have to guard our hearts and resist the pressure to live up to a certain standard set by the world. Through this message, you will learn what it means to live free of the pressures of the flesh nature and the world. God wants us to enjoy life, but we have learn how to achieve that liberty from His Word.
Can You Hear Him Now?
December 15, 2024 • Pastor Asa Dockery
"Can You Hear Him Now?" -It's possible to hear the voice of the Lord and still not hear Him. You know it's His voice but you choose to ignore His instructions. Most times, when something is important to God, we may not consider it important to us. Choosing to live in this manner has cost Christians dearly in their lives and the lives of their families. Why is it that we will wait to obey God until we allow our disobedience to cause us trouble or devastation? It is after we have suffer loss and had to endure great pain that we will begin to hear God more clearly and obey Him more readily. Think about it!
The Fight of Faith
December 8, 2024 • Pastor Asa Dockery
"The Fight of Faith" -It's strange to our way of thinking as humans, to try to understand the fight of faith. Although Christians do fight with our faith, we do not engage in physical battles. Since we live in a physical world, we can have strong tendencies as humans to want to defend ourselves physically. Therefore, when people are saved and attempt to live by faith, most times, we may attempt to fight in our flesh instead of trusting the Father to defend us. However, when we defend ourselves instead of trusting and obeying the Lord, we sin against the Lord and resort to operating in our flesh nature as Christians. So, how can we fight the good fight of faith without actually fighting?
The End of an Era
December 4, 2024 • Pastor Asa Dockery
"The End of an Era" -When the Lord performs a new work in the earth, not everyone who follows Him will accept it. The Jews were taught the Law and required to keep it for many generations. However, when Jesus came as their Messiah, He didn't offer them the Law, but truth and grace. Since the Jews didn't submit to the new way of obeying God by faith, God rejected them and opened the door of grace to the gentiles. There is a new era that God is releasing in the earth and among the Church. Even so, how many called by His name will reject this new thing from God because they are comfortable remaining the same?
Choose the Right Path
December 1, 2024 • Pastor Asa Dockery
"Choose the Right Path" -There are two paths that humans can choose to follow in this life. One path will lead those who choose it to find eternal life, the other path will lead those who follow it to death. If you choose the right path, God has promised to give you an abundant life in Christ. To acquire the abundant life, we will have to discipline ourselves to obey the Lord as He leads us on His path. It won't take long of following the Lord and His blessings will begin to manifest in our lives. If we will continue to seek the Lord, His blessings will overtake us and others will see God's goodness and power on our lives.
Living Without Condemnation
November 24, 2024 • Pastor Asa Dockery
"Living Without Condemnation" -How would you like to live without guilt, shame, regret, and fear of the unknown? When Jesus paid the debt for the sin of mankind, He also delivered us from condemnation. Most Christians understand what it meant for Jesus to set us free from our sin and to give us eternal life, but not many fully understand what it means to live without condemnation. By the way, condemnation is so much more than a feeling you get when someone doesn't approve of you. You need this word from the Lord! Just sayin'!
The Delivering Power of God
November 17, 2024 • Pastor Asa Dockery
"The Delivering Power of God" -Can you think of anything that is more powerful than the God of the Bible? God created the heavens, the earth, and filled them with everything that He desired. God plundered Egypt and set His holy people free from slavery. God drove out the nations that were mightier and more powerful than Israel as they possessed their land of promise. God worked through Jesus to strip Satan, demons, principalities, and powers of their rule over the souls of man. God has made sinners to become new creatures in Christ. He has given His children in Christ authority over the powers of Satan and demons. Yet, there's one thing that God can't overcome.
How to Respond to Hard Seasons
November 13, 2024 • Pastor Asa Dockery
"How to Respond to Hard Seasons" -This word may help every Christian alive today. It is during the hard seasons of life that Christians will be required to live by their faith in God. However, when we are made to endure lengthy seasons of hard trials, this can also cause us to grow weary in our faith. Satan wars against believers with the hope of wearing us down. It is in those times of weakness that if we will turn to the Lord with our whole heart, God will empower us to live in victory over the Devil. But there's more to the story!
The God of Israel
November 10, 2024 • Pastor Asa Dockery
"The God of Israel" -After the fall of Adam, man began to forget their God and no longer considered Him as their Lord. In Genesis 6, God saw the heart of the people of the earth had grow evil and every thought was evil only. Even though God was also the Lord of all, people didn't know Him as Lord. The inhabitants of the earth had given themselves over to paganism and idolatry. Therefore, God introduced His plan to restore all nations to Himself when He called Abram out of his father's land to follow Him. Through God's relationship with His people, the other nations of the world came to know God as the God of Israel. There's more to this story!