"Pushed to the Limit" -There are two spiritual forces in the world. There is God and there is Satan. As Christians, we can be influenced by both. When the Lord commands us to obey Him and it places us in dangerous situations, we have to choose if we will obey Him or rebel. It is during these times, when we're led to face persecution that we will feel great pressure within our beings. Perhaps, you have experienced times of great pressure in your spirit that pushed you to the limit. When Christians are oppressed by the forces of darkness, we must remember that the greater One lives in us. The Holy Spirit will empower us to push back against the enemy so that we can endure the attack and be victorious.

Pushed to the Limit
January 29, 2025 • Pastor Asa Dockery
Be Strong in the Lord
March 9, 2025 • Pastor Asa Dockery
"Be Strong in the Lord" -If Christians walk in the power of Christ, they will most certainly live in spiritual victory and be able to overcome all things in this life. To be successful in this life, it will require more of us than working for a living and being able to buy what we want. To be successful, we have to be in Christ and learn how to live our lives according to God's principles. As we put the Lord first in our lives, He will empower us to succeed. You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength.
Children and the Kingdom of God
March 5, 2025 • Pastor Asa Dockery
"Children and the Kingdom of God" -What do children and the Kingdom of God have to do with each other? Everything! It's possible to be a child and not act childish or immature. It is also possible to be a full-grown adult and act childish. When childish adults are in power, they will abuse their position and power to gratify self. Thus, they won't be affective for the people they serve. However, when mature adults are in power, they will fully utilize their God-given power to help the people they serve. Do you know who you are?
Be Like Jesus
March 2, 2025 • Pastor Asa Dockery
"Be Like Jesus" -If you are born again, you are not of this world. As we live by faith and obey the Lord, He will transform us to become Christ like. Jesus understood something about His identity that every Christians needs to know and practice. No matter who rejected Him as being God's Son, He remained true to Himself. How many times throughout a typical day do we ignore who we are in the spirit to allow ourselves to be or act like the world? Compromising our convictions or ignoring the conviction of the Holy Spirit will weaken our stand of faith and cause us to stumble. We are to be true to the Lord and stand strong in the world. Do you want to be more like Jesus?