
Glory Shines In Darkness: House of Prayer (2nd Service)

October 23, 2016

October 23, 2016 • Norm and Debbie Przybylski

Norm and Debbie Przybylski served with Operation Mobilization for 25 years aboard the ocean vessel “Doulos” and in Europe before founding The Elijah Company and moving to Kansas City where they are deeply involved with the International House of Prayer. Over the years have helped prepare over 300 workers to serve Christ in many countries. They established houses of prayer in Spain, Gibraltar, and Greece. Debbie has written "Intercessors Arise," "24/7 Prayer Arise," "Breakthrough Prayer," "The Passionate Prayer Life of Jesus," and 300 articles related to prayer. Together they continue to teach and mentor for prayer and spiritual impact in America and beyond.

Corporate Prayer: The Oneness Principle

December 11, 2016 • Tom Demaree

Tom Demaree, Founder and Director of Pentecost Walk, has prayerwalked over 22,000 miles across the length and breadth of the country, bringing God’s message of repentance-in-unity to the body of Christ by coming alongside pastors and leaders as a brother and a friend. To date, these joint-efforts have touched all 50 states, involving thousands of churches. In this message Tom highlights the role of oneness in corporate prayer.

Thankfulness: A Practical Guide

November 27, 2016 • Graeme Sellers

Gratitude is a choice. It doesn’t just come upon you when Holy Spirit is the mood to bring it. And the more deliberately and regularly you choose it the more it reproduces itself in you. There is no spiritual gift of thankfulness. There is only the practice of it, and we cannot wait for optimal conditions to practice it. If we do we may never start!

Living Invitation

November 13, 2016 • Brendan Fairley

Our first and most important invitation is to be where Jesus is. How can we say yes to that invitation and so allow ourselves to be known as He is known to us?