
Peter Martens


March 13, 2022

I grew up in a Christian home, went to church every Sunday, but I didn’t want to be there. I didn’t understand what they were preaching about and I didn’t care to know. I resented the fact that my parents never gave me a choice, and this continued for a long time. When my parents finally let me choose whether I went to church or not, I decided not to attend church for a number of years.

When we moved to Canada, I decided to attend church again. I enjoyed it for a while, but soon, once again, nothing spoke to me. I got bored and stopped attending.

At that time, I was really eager to start dating, and I made some poor choices. I got into drugs because I dated a girl who was into drugs, but after the relationship ended, my drug habit continued for a while. But once I realized that I was only doing drugs because of that relationship, I quit.

My next relationship was with a Christian girl who got me attending church again. The relationship didn’t last long, our views of faith were very different and I didn’t live up to her standards of what a Christian should be.

As time went on, I met a girl named Susie. I really like her, but she didn’t want to date me because I wasn’t a Christian. I remembered hearing that God sometimes talks to us through other people, and I began to think that He might be trying to tell me something. I realized that He was telling me to become a Christian.

One day, I was driving to Winnipeg, and I started talking to God. I asked for forgiveness and repented of my past sins. As I was talking, I started to cry. I wasn’t sad, I was really happy to be talking to God, just having a conversation with him.

I started attending church again and the sermons started to speak to me. Ever since then my life has been a whole lot better. I’m happier with myself and my depression has gone away. I see the better things in life. The world is more beautiful to me. I’m happy to be alive.

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