
Knowing God in Freedom

To Know God and Be Known by Him Gal 4:8-9

Christy (Harvey) Darlington

Do you feel you must perform to convince God and those around you that you are worthy of love and respect? Are you under a heavy load of guilt and condemnation? Are you afraid that if people knew the REAL you, they would reject you? Are you afraid of being hurt again by others you consider to be your friends? Listen to learn how to let your true self be known intimately and loved by God and others.

What Does it Mean to Be Free?

Has religion and the legalistic treadmill of working to please God out of fear and guilt for the ways we don't measure up, causing you to live in bondage and shame? Learn how to be free in a personal relationship with Christ.

Out of the Watchtower into What?

David Reed

David Reed - A Former Jehovah's Witness elder shared his experience leaving the Watchtower organization and discusses the most common question one faces upon exiting: "Where Shall We Go?"

Emotional Deliverance

Valerie Acuff

Valerie Acuff - A former Jehovah's Witness shares about her 24 years in the Watchtower and the life recovery process she when through after she left the organization.