
My Week in Paris!

Paul Looney, MD

I love Paris! It's my favorite city! And when friends invited to take Teri and me at their expense, I was over the moon. The anticipation alone gave me tremendous pleasure and excitement. My mood was enhanced for the two months leading up to the journey, so it was a bitter pill when I came down with Covid - round two!

But God had something up His sleeve. After my grieving and giving in to the reality of the situation, He helped me see yet again how He is always at work in every circumstance to bless me and bring about good.

Missed opportunities and disappointments can make way for bigger blessings, so when disaster strikes, our mindset can make all the difference. Since I couldn't get to Paris, I decided to bring Paris to me. Redemption came as I savored the Beauty of Belonging and the Goodness of Gratitude. I saw my need to have an Eye for Imagination, and the presence to engage the Miracle of every Moment.