
Give and Take! Healthy negotiation

Paul Looney, MD • Philippians 2:2–4

In the best relationships, there is a healthy balance of give and take. Both partners must be clear about their position, but be willing to move in response to the need of the moment. A healthy partnership allows both to be all in, fully engaged with their personalities, preferences, and priorities. Good communication and a willingness to think win/win allows us to work together for solutions that honor both. Obviously, each of us has some issues that are central, with very little room to budge, but there are plenty of decisions that we should be prepared to negotiate with little pushback if we see that the others emotional investment in the issue is high. The best relationships have a dynamic balance, like a see-saw, that allows both parties to have their time to be up in the air and then feet on the ground. We can take pleasure in the give and take of a loving relationship if we take the time to make it work for the benefit of all.