
Remember The Scriptures

2 Peter 1:12-18

September 26, 2021 • Jeff Cramer • 2 Peter 1:12–18, Luke 7:19–23, John 20:24–29

From a first hand perspective, Peter wrote about the need to guard against Apostasy! Which shows up as a slow departure from faith. It’s the little compromises that settle in to our beliefs & daily routines of life. We forget that when temptation hits us, Satan is the one trying to divert us away from God; “Did God really say…” (Gen. 3:1-b), and he tries to seduce our weakness into compromise. That’s temptation – c.p. (James 1:14-16) NKJV BUT, knowing God’s truth allows us to detect Satan’s intrusions, and living out God’s truth allows us to walk in power to defeat apostasy!