
Don't Get Derailed

2 Peter 2:1-3

October 3, 2021 • Pastor Jeff Cramer • 2 Peter 2:1–3

Chapter #2 takes us into things that derail biblical faith: False teachers. O.T. Israel experienced false teachers. - e.g. Hananiah in (Jer. 28:1-9) NLT. This type of non-sense shows up in the church today and false prophets & false teachers are having an impact upon this Country in real time! Here's an example...

Be Faithful In The Day Of Apostasy

September 19, 2021 • Pastor Jeff Cramer • 2 Peter 1:1–11

Peter was death-bed writing to warn believers of the coming flood of error that would sweep over the church! His first letter dealt with external conditions of Christian suffering: Brought on by government officials & pressure from a hostile culture. In his second letter, It’s a totally different topic being covered: False doctrine & moral compromise IN the church! So Peter writes this rapid-fire letter around (AD 66-67) about the deteriorating conditions within the church. Today he covers what we should do once we've become followers of Christ with seven traits to grow in...

Remember The Scriptures

September 26, 2021 • Pastor Jeff Cramer • 2 Peter 1:12–18, Luke 7:19–23, John 20:24–29

From a first hand perspective, Peter wrote about the need to guard against Apostasy! Which shows up as a slow departure from faith. It’s the little compromises that settle in to our beliefs & daily routines of life. We forget that when temptation hits us, Satan is the one trying to divert us away from God; “Did God really say…” (Gen. 3:1-b), and he tries to seduce our weakness into compromise. That’s temptation – c.p. (James 1:14-16) NKJV BUT, knowing God’s truth allows us to detect Satan’s intrusions, and living out God’s truth allows us to walk in power to defeat apostasy!

Looking Back To Move Forward

October 10, 2021 • Pastor Jeff Cramer • 2 Peter 2:4–11

During a time of heightened apostasy & rampant heresy in the church we must continue to study the scriptures and maintain a close walk with Jesus. He amplifies three examples that are designed to provide HOPE in the consistency of God’s control! The angels who sinned (v.4) = (Gen. 6) The ancient world during Noah’s day (v.5) = (Gen. 6) The Cities of Sodom & Gomorrah during Lot’s day (v.6) = (Gen. 19). All of these examples point to the irrefutable FACT that God will judge the unrepentant / wicked / sinners!