
1 Corinthians 6:9-11 | And such were some of you | Ps. Jonathan Gallardo

March 10, 2024 • Ps. Jonathan Gallardo

Culture diverts us from the kingdom of God. The letter of the Apostle Paul gives us three guidelines about the kingdom of God: What is the kingdom of God, For whom is it not the kingdom of God, and For whom is it the kingdom of God; since the lifestyle of the child of God should not be of impurity, since our eyes should be set on heaven and not on the world.

More from 1 Corinthians

Builders of Christ's Family | 1 Corinthians 8 pt. 2

June 23, 2024 • Ps. Jonathan Gallardo

To build with love, to think of our weaker brother in the faith, not to let our "freedom" become a stumbling block in the lives of others, Paul's message is not the meat itself, but the intention of the heart " puffed up" with knowledge without humility and love for our brothers and sisters.  

Builders of Christ's Family | 1 Corinthians 8

June 16, 2024 • Ps. Jonathan Gallardo

At the beginning of this chapter, the Apostle Paul is very emphatic that we should abstain from doing things that will bring down the brethren; Paul's point is to unite the church, to live in peace is to edify the church of Christ, at the time he wrote the letter, the problem was the food offered to idols. Still, in our times, we can apply it to alcohol, parties, tattoos, and participation in cultural celebrations such as "Halloween." We see three reasons why this part of the Scripture was written.  1. To clarify matters with love.  2. To edify the brother in love. 3. Not to sin against a brother who is weak in the faith.

1 Corinthians 7:17-24 - As you were called, remain

June 9, 2024 • Ps. Henry Cruz

How should a Christian act now that they are saved? The church of Corinth has answered this question incorrectly time and time again in this chapter. It is clear that the church of Corinth misunderstood how one is to view sexual intimacy in marriage, singleness, and how a spouse is to act towards an unconverted spouse now that they were born again believers. In this sermon you will learn what Paul's guiding principle is towards all these issues is and you will learn what must one do once they are saved.