
Aligning With Gods Assignment For Your Life

November 6, 2022 • Ps. Louis Els

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:18-19

This week we are looking at the sermon by Ps Louis on “It Doesn’t End in the Desert”. 

Firstly, what happens in the desert? We change. We receive power. We are given our clear assignment.  John the Baptist and Jesus went through the desert. No matter the struggles or the storms we are facing, remember that it doesn’t end here! God is a covenant-keeping God. He always stays true to His word. 

Secondly, John the Baptist and Jesus were both given their assignments in the desert. When they came out, they were ready to walk in their purpose alongside Holy Spirit. Finding our value, worth and identity in Jesus are so crucial. But we also need to remember it is for the purpose of the kingdom. When we lose sight of that, it can lead to a self-focussed life where the goal is self-preservation and not advancing the Kingdom.  

Thirdly, the way that we come out of the desert is important. When we come out we should be fully persuaded, full of mercy and kindness. We should sow grace and forgiveness, and remind people of the covenant-keeping God. We should set people free of their enemies and serve God without fear.  We come out of the desert with authority, purpose, and Holy Spirit. 



Holy Spirit, what are you saying to me today? What is your unique assignment and how can it play a part in the Kingdom?