
Day 49: Prayer for Preparing for Pentecost

Day 9: Preparing for Pentecost

- Scripture: Luke 24:49

49 I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.”

- Focus: Reflect on the significance of Pentecost. Pray for a personal and collective expectancy and openness to the Holy Spirit’s work.


Holy and Gracious God,

As we approach the day of Pentecost, we reflect on Your promise in Luke 24, where Jesus instructed His followers to stay in Jerusalem and wait for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Just as they gathered in expectancy and unity, we too prepare our hearts and minds to receive the fullness of the Spirit's presence and power.

Lord, increase our expectancy and open our hearts to the profound significance of Pentecost. Help us to understand more deeply the transformation that comes from Your Spirit dwelling within us, enabling us to be effective witnesses to Your love and grace.

We pray for a fresh outpouring of Your Spirit upon our lives, our churches, and our communities. May this Pentecost be a time of spiritual renewal and empowerment. Stir in us a passionate desire to pursue You more fervently, to engage with Your Word more deeply, and to commune with You more intimately.

Grant us the courage to let go of any reservations and to embrace the changes the Holy Spirit might bring into our lives. May we be flexible and yielding to Your will, allowing Your Spirit to move freely among us.

As we prepare for Pentecost, unify us in purpose and spirit. Bind us together in love and anticipation, that we may collectively experience the joy and power of Your Spirit poured out upon us. Let this Pentecost be a turning point, a moment of profound impact and spiritual awakening.

We thank You, Lord, for Your faithfulness and for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Prepare us to receive and to be transformed, that we may live out Your purposes with boldness and joy.

In the name of Jesus,
