
Day 47: Prayer for Renewal and Revival

 Day 7: Renewal and Revival

Scripture: Psalm 85:6

Will you not revive us again,

    that your people may rejoice in you?

- Focus: Pray for a personal and communal revival. Ask for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit to renew your heart and your community.


On this day, we humbly come before You, echoing the cry of the Psalmist, "Will You not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You?" We seek a renewal of our hearts and a revival within our community, that we might rejoice and be transformed by Your divine presence.

Lord, pour out Your Holy Spirit upon us anew. Refresh our spirits and rekindle our passion for Your Gospel. May this revival start within our own hearts, spreading to every member of our community, igniting a fervent desire to serve You and love You more deeply.

Help us to return to our first love, to the joy of our salvation, and to the peace that comes from living in right relationship with You. Break down barriers of complacency and awaken our spirits to the urgency of Your kingdom’s work.

As we experience personal renewal, let it overflow into our families, our churches, our workplaces, and beyond. May our renewed faith be evident in our actions and words, drawing others to You and inspiring a broader revival.

We pray for signs of Your grace and power, that our faith may be strengthened and our commitment renewed. Let us see Your hand at work in our lives and in the lives of those around us, as we seek to be agents of Your love and peace.

We thank You, Lord, for Your unending faithfulness and love. We trust in Your ability to renew and revive. We submit ourselves to Your will, asking for a fresh outpouring of Your Spirit.

In the powerful and precious name of Jesus, we pray,
