
KiDZ Ministry

Have fun and learn about Jesus | toddler's-5th grade

Chelsie Mantelli

We believe Kidz belong as a part of the worshipping community, participating with all generations and we believe they learn best from play and content designed with their learning level in mind. Because of that we have the kiddos worship with the adults for most of the service, but during the message, they are released every week to go with our great team to learn and play in their own environment.

There are several ways to volunteer in Kidz Ministry: teacher, helper, and substitue. As a teacher, you will follow an already created lesson plan for you to teach the children. A helper in the room helps the kidz and anything else the teacher may need. We also have opportunities to substitute in if you can't commit each month. Click the link above if you are interested.

*Note: All volunteers working with children/teens will participate in a background check performed by the Genesis Conference of the Free Methodist Church. All personal information is either securely handled or immediately shredded.

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