
The Fruit of the Spirit | Goodness

June 14, 2020 • Gregg Parris

Galatians 5:22-26

Goodness is an inner disposition causing an outward reality. Goodness is a state of being from which action emanates.

I. Goodness and the character of God.

It is not the goodness of God that separates me from Him, but rather my sin.

The fruit of the Spirit of goodness is that which springs from the vine, God Himself.

II. The counterfeit of goodness.

1. Self-righteousness or works oriented goodness.

2. The counterfeit goodness of the world

III. Detecting a lack of goodness.

1. A clear sign of the breakdown of goodness is when you find authentic goodness mocked. II Timothy 3:1-5

2. The inability to be genuine in compassion and sacrificial in help.

3. Contradictory gaps in my life.

4. Teaches falseness and hypocrisy.

IV. The fruit of goodness.

1. You will find usefulness.

2. Goodness will make me happy.

3. It helps others to be virtuous.