
The Fruit of the Spirit | Joy

May 24, 2020 • Gregg Parris

Galatians 5:16-26
Nehemiah 8:10

I. Joy and the character of God.

The object of God's joy is us!

II. The counterfeit of joy.

III. Joy applied to life.

1. Joy is connected to grace not judgment.

2. A lack of joy is indicated by a lack of a sense of humor.
*A sense of humor is the ability to laugh at yourself.

IV. The fruit of joy.

1. I will grow in strength.

2. It liberates others.

V. Increase your joy.

1. It is the will of God for you.

2. Repent of situational happiness.

3. Train your spirit to rejoice.

4. Depend on Him in everything and your joy cannot be stolen because no one can steal Him from you.

The secret to real joy is absolute dependence on God! The joy of the Lord really is my strength!