
The Fruit of the Spirit | Patience & Gentleness

June 7, 2020 • Gregg Parris

Galatians 5:22-26

Patience: To dwell richly, fully alive, in abundance, in the moment, regardless of circumstances.
Isaiah 40:31; Luke 21:19

I. Patience and the character of God.

II. The counterfeit of patience.
It is fatalism, indolence, laziness, a resignation to events and circumstances.

A patient person can hear the word NO and comprehend it.

III. The fruit of patience and gentleness.

Impatience with the sins of others is a betrayal of the reality that we are not confident of our own grace.

IV. Increase your patience

A. Remember the goodness of God in difficult circumstances.

B. Claim the perfect timing of God. (This is tough!)

C. Accept the imperfections of others and the imperfections of the world.

D. Affirm that God is working on my imperfections.