
Seaside Church

Seaside Church

Bound by Self [Part 1]
Judges 17-18
Nov 10, 2024 • Pastor Jon • Judges 17-18, Luke 9:23
PDF Slide Deck [11/10/2024]
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In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes. [Judges 17:6, ESV]
Bound by [to]…
1. Self-rule (There was no king in Israel… even though God was their King!)
2. Self-righteousness (Everyone did as they saw fit… even though God had clearly told them what to do)
3. Self-Interest (They use God to get what they want… instead of being used by God for what God wants)
“The purpose of Micah’s religious efforts is to get access to God so that he can get what he wants. The goal of true faith is to give God access to your heart heart so that he can get you to do what He wants. Religions true purpose is to get God to serve you; gospel faith’s purpose is to get your heart to serve Him.” -Tim Keller