
Redemption Hill ...

Redemption Hill Church

Jesus and the Better Way
Hebrews 13:1-6
Nov 10, 2024 • Pastor Bill Riedel • Hebrews 13:1-6
We will continue in our series in Hebrews, Jesus is Better, with Hebrews 13:1-6. And so we begin the final chapter of this letter and the final stretch of our series together. The final chapter of Hebrews is intensely practical. This week we will see how the application flows directly out of the two kingdoms from last week. Jesus has a better way than this world can possibly offer. His way is not always easy to discern, and it is, as Jesus described, narrower than the wide roads that surround it. That narrow path will lead us through all that we face in our lives with a greater sense of peace and fulfillment than we can find anywhere else. 