Babylon is spoken of over 250 times in the bible. Babylon was called a gate of the gods (demonic gods) and a place of man's rebellion against God. Babylon is the home of the tower of Babel where pride led to confusion. Babylon was the source of attack against God's people and also a place of captivity. Babylon was known for indulgence, esteem and pride. The King Nebuchadnezzar was known for conquering nations, his monumental golden statue of himself as well as being driven mad, acting like an animal. Such extremes, so much confusion and emphasis on self can only come from one place. Babylon the Great. We can most certainly see ourselves and our current culture as we read through the experiences and history of Babylon found in the bible. Let's look at scripture and find out how God's people fell victim to the culture of Babylon and how they eventually overcame it with the help of God.