
Nashville Christ...

Nashville Christian Church

Good News for All People
Dec 24, 2023 • Andrew Cullen • Luke 2:8-20
Shepherds were not visited by angels. Angels appeared to people like Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Daniel, Peter, John, and Jesus. Why were the shepherds chosen to be the ones to first hear this good news? Because they fall into the category of “all the people.” Shepherds were not elite. Shepherds were poor. Shepherds were perceived as dishonest. They were unclean ritually. They were dirty sanitarily. They smelled like sheep. They looked scruff. They were not invited to social gatherings. They represented outcasts and sinners. The shepherds can believe this announcement is good news for “all” people because they were chosen to receive this gift. The shepherds could relate to a simple birth and baby like this. This baby was approachable. This baby was relatable. This baby was like them.