
Milestone Church...

Milestone Church - MA

1 John 1:1-4
The Apostolic Message and Care
Jan 29, 2023 • Edgardo Rosa • 1 John 1:1-4
Sermon Notes
Historical context of 1 John:
1. Who is the audience of 1 John?
2. What is the purpose of 1 John?
In 1 John 1:1-4:
1. John wants to establish his apostolic authority.
2. John wants to re-establish the apostolic message,
3. John wants to make known or affirm his apostolic longing.
To proclaim the truths about Jesus. It is for your joy and the good of others. If you don’t proclaim the good news of Christ people will remains without fellowship with God and man and they will remain in despair, without hope, without joy. We are called to proclaim the truth that Life has come! That Life was made manifest! That Life took of flesh, so that a lost and dying world would be reconciled to God and enjoy eternal life.