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King's Church International

It's Time To Light Up The World
Dec 15, 2024 • Desmond & Surelda Mathyse • Isaiah 60:1-2
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We can all know great hope and light in our lives. In so many ways and for so many people this has been a particularly dark year. More than ever we all need the light of the Christmas message. Thankfully the coming of Jesus into the world means that we can experience His bright guiding light even in the darkest of times.  
Even when there is so much gloom all around, you can discover the glory of the Lord in your own life. When everyone is feeling down, you can get up and experience great blessings. This is what the prophet Isaiah makes clear in Isaiah 60:1-2 which says: “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you.” 
These words were originally addressed to the Jewish people who were sad and depressed after seeing their nation and Temple destroyed by the Babylonians. But in their encircling gloom, the words of the prophet Isaiah assured them that God had a bright future after their time of Babylonian captivity. And that is in fact what happened when they were able to return to their homeland and see their temple rebuilt. What the prophet is saying in these verses is very applicable to us today. This is a time for us to: 
1. Cheer up (Isaiah 60:1; John 8:12; 1 Peter 2:9) 
2. Light up (Isaiah 60:1-2; John 8:12; Matthew 5:14-15; Romans 13:12-13; Ephesians 5:8; Psalm 119:105; 1 John 1:7; 1 John 2:9; Matthew 5:16) 
3. Get up (Isaiah 60:1) 
1. Cheer up. In so many ways, the words of Isaiah resonate with our current uncertain world as we witness so much darkness in the form of despair, division, and depression. Today it can seem as if the world is becoming increasingly dark. As we look out at a world full of problems and many forms of moral and spiritual darkness, you could be depressed. But you must not be depressed, and you will not be if you understand the power of the light of God to pierce the darkness. For this is the very clear promise that the prophet speaks of: “Your light has come.” Even though it is dark outside, you can personally experience great light. Isaiah was very clear that even though ‘darkness covers the earth and that thick darkness is over the people’… ‘the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you’. The light that has come into our world is Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world who was born in Bethlehem’s stable 2000 years ago. All the light and hope the world would ever need was wrapped up in this baby. Light comes into our lives when we decide to follow Jesus (John 8:12; 1 Peter 2:9). When we truly know Christ has come to us, we no longer have to walk in darkness. We don’t have to stumble about in our decisions and relationships. We don’t have to be fearful and insecure. We don’t have to be trapped in dark circumstances. There is a way out and that way is through Jesus who came to rescue us from sin and all forms of evil. The closer we draw near to Christ, the clearer we can see where we are going. His light shows us how to act and react in life and how experience more of His glory and presence. So cheer up; your light has come, the glory of the Lord will rise upon you. 
2. Light up (Isaiah 60:1). Christians are to be people who not only have light; we are also to be people who transmit light (John 8:12; Matthew 5:14-15). Christians are the answer the world is waiting for. The real hope of the world does not lie with the leaders and wisdom of this world but with followers of Christ, according to what Jesus is saying in Matthew 5:14. It is real Christian people who uniquely have the light that can penetrate personal, religious and cultural darkness. This is of course a radical and controversial statement. This means that an ordinary person who knows Christ has more light than the most brilliant person who does not. Christians individually and corporately as the church have responsibility to bring light into the world because of our relationship with Christ. So how do we do this? We shine the light of Jesus by living holy lives (Romans 13:12-13; Ephesians 5:8). We shine the light of Jesus by being illuminated by the Word of God (Psalm 119:105). We must daily read and meditate on God’s word to see where we are going. We shine the light of Jesus by being in right relationship with your Christian brothers and sisters (1 John 1:7; 1 John 2:9). We shine the light of Jesus by living under the direction of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth. We must have the insights and direction of the Holy Spirit. We shine the light of Jesus by speaking positively and sharing the good news about Jesus. Jesus is the hope that people need. He’s the one who can bring them out of the dark and the gloom of depression. We shine the light of Jesus by your good deeds (Matthew 5:16). We are to care for one another, especially the poor, the weak, the vulnerable, the neglected and despised. Our sincere hearts of compassion and simple acts of kindness can reveal the light of Christ to those who most need it. In all the ways we can, help all the people we can. 
3. Get up. If you are going to shine the light of Jesus, then you have to arise. When it is dark and cold outside, it’s tempting to retreat into your own little cosy world and tuck up asleep and not get up. But if you, and also every Christian church family, are going to help people then you have to get up, even if you don’t feel like it. This is the moment for you to get up: from the pain of your past; from the pressures of the present; get up and face into the destiny God has for you. With the light of Jesus in your life can decide to: Arise from your failure; Arise from your grief; Arise from your low self-esteem; Arise from your doubt; Arise from your fear; Arise in faith; Arise with the revelation that your light has come; Arise because you have a role to play in this world; Arise because He is going to position you and use you; Arise because God is with you and is glory is upon you. Here’s how to celebrate Christmas and to live every day with hope. Because Jesus has come into our world, we no longer need to live in darkness. His light can shine bright in our hearts and homes and in the nations of the world. We are not alone. Jesus, Emmanuel, is with us, in whatever circumstances we face. He will never leave us or forsake us. His light will always guide us. Let’s arise and shine because our light has come. Let’s cheer up, light up and get up and receive and share every blessing God has for you.  