As we read Matthew 21-25 this week, let us be reminded of what lies before Jesus during these chapters.
In Matthew 21, we see Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey, being praised by crowds shouting, ‘Hosanna in the highest heaven!’ This is a beautiful scene of Jesus coming in as gentle and lowly and receiving the praise He deserves. It is important to note that during this donkey ride, Jesus knew where He was riding. He was headed for ridicule, torture, and ultimately the cross and the grave. Yet still He saddled up on the cloaks of His disciples so that He could take on the sins of the world because He loves us so much. Praise God!
From there, we see Jesus as a warrior, not with a sword and a shield, but rather with His words and actions. He overturns the tables of those selling in the temple complex, and He stands up to the Pharisees and Sadducees who were trying to trap Him in His words. Jesus made clear in His seven ‘Woes’ that the twisted legalism from the Pharisees was not the way to heaven, He is.
Throughout these chapters, we see Jesus utilize many parables to explain the Kingdom of God. Matthew 25:14-30 is what is known as the parable of the talents. This can be very applicable to our lives. The servant who did not put his master’s gift to work was viewed as ‘wicked’ and ‘lazy’ by the master, while the two who utilized their master’s gift to do good were deemed ‘good and faithful servants.’ Ultimately, God has blessed us and given us opportunities to invest our ‘talents’ for His glory. How can you begin to engage more in God’s work with what He has given you? For as Jesus said, we do not know the day or the hour when our master is returning.
Devotional provided by:
Clayton Connick, FCA Area Representative – Cincinnati, OH