
Corner Fringe Mi...

Corner Fringe Ministries

Amos 3:3 - Can Two Walk Together, Except They be Agreed?
Sep 23, 2023 • Stephen Opoku
Topics covered include:
- The Vision Inspired Fellowship Group
- The Fullness of Joy is in the Presence of the Lord
Bible verses include:
- Amos 3:3
- 1 John 1:6
- 1 John 2:3-6
Key Points
1. The key word to focus on is walk.
2. From the beginning Adam walked with God in fellowship.
3. Sin and disobedience to God’s commands separated us from God.
4. Through the work of Yeshua on the cross fellowship can now be restored.
5. However, obedience to the commands of God is still not optional to stay in fellowship with Him.
6. In fact we know that we are in true fellowship with God if our lives are walking in agreement to His commands.
7. To profess Yeshua and not obey God’s words or commands is to live a lie.
8. There is no other way to walk in fellowship with Him.
9. Receiving Yeshua gives us the power and freedom to obey His commands and not the grace to ignore them.
10. To walk in fellowship with Him we must live our lives in agreement to His commands or we are headed for destruction.