One could say a foundational principle of Christianity, is Faith. II Corinthians 5: 7 states, "For we walk by faith, not by sight." Just because we can't "see" it, does not mean it is not real. We cannot see the wind, yet we can feel its effects. That same is true with Christianity. We may not be able to see the Holy Spirit, but we sure can feel how He impacts our life. Join us this Sunday at Pastor Dallas Billington continues his series, "Without Faith?", with a fourth message titled, "Battling Life With Your Faith". Share this with friends and family and invite them to City Church. We look forward to seeing you Sunday at 11am. Remember for those who are not able to attend church in person, Pastor Dallas will begin preaching around 11:25 and we will live stream his message on Facebook Live and YouTube Live. Like or Subscribe to those pages to be alerted when our live stream is up and running.