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Christ Redeemer Church

Blessing for the Defiled
Haggai 2:10-19; March 14, 2021; Scott Sottosanti
Mar 14, 2021 • Scott Sottosanti • Haggai 2:10-19
Quotes for Reflection & Sermon Passage
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QUOTES FOR REFLECTION “Shame wants us to believe it is accurate in its evaluation of us—that we are too wretched to be made new. Too dirty to be made clean. Too prone to sin for forgiveness to matter.” ~Jackie Hill-Perry, American poet, writer, and hip-hop artist “He that has learned to feel his sins, and to trust Christ as a Savior, has learned the two hardest and greatest lessons in Christianity.” ~ J.I. Packer (1926-2020), Theologian and Writer “If you feel a dark, twisted, heart-wrenching, hate-to-see-your-own-reflection Praying for an intervention, feeling guilt and feeling shame I just call on Jesus name Praying daily, can you take away this pain? Take the thorn away Still, it remains, I feel the same, I know that I’m here, but still feel insane Satan would love to see my give up and throw up my hands He say I’m guilty but You say I’m clean.” ~“Cry for You” by Lecrae Moore, Grammy-winning American hip-hop artist “Heaven excludes nothing more directly than sin… For there enters nothing that defiles, nor that works abomination, nor that makes a lie. When they are there, the saints are saints indeed. He that will wash them with His heart-blood, rather than suffer them to enter unclean, will now perfectly see to that; He who has undertaken to present them to His Father, ‘not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but perfectly holy, and without blemish,’ will now most certainly perform His undertaking.” ~Richard Baxter (1615-1691), church leader, poet and, theologian “I have read in Plato and Cicero sayings that are very wise and very beautiful; but I never read in either of them: ‘Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden.’” ~Augustine of Hippo (354-430), church father and theologian SERMON PASSAGE Haggai 2:10-19, Zechariah 3:1-4 (ESV) Haggai 2 10 On the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, in the second year of Darius, the word of the LORD came by Haggai the prophet, 11 “Thus says the LORD of hosts: Ask the priests about the law: 12 ‘If someone carries holy meat in the fold of his garment and touches with his fold bread or stew or wine or oil or any kind of food, does it become holy?’” The priests answered and said, “No.” 13 Then Haggai said, “If someone who is unclean by contact with a dead body touches any of these, does it become unclean?” The priests answered and said, “It does become unclean.” 14 Then Haggai answered and said, “So is it with this people, and with this nation before me, declares the LORD, and so with every work of their hands. And what they offer there is unclean. 15 Now then, consider from this day onward. Before stone was placed upon stone in the temple of the LORD, 16 how did you fare? When one came to a heap of twenty measures, there were but ten. When one came to the wine vat to draw fifty measures, there were but twenty. 17 I struck you and all the products of your toil with blight and with mildew and with hail, yet you did not turn to me, declares the LORD. 18 Consider from this day onward, from the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month. Since the day that the foundation of the LORD’s temple was laid, consider: 19 Is the seed yet in the barn? Indeed, the vine, the fig tree, the pomegranate, and the olive tree have yielded nothing. But from this day on I will bless you.” Zechariah 3 1 Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right hand to accuse him. 2 And the Lord said to Satan, “The Lord rebuke you, O Satan! The Lord who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you! Is not this a brand plucked from the fire?” 3 Now Joshua was standing before the angel, clothed with filthy garments. 4 And the angel said to those who were standing before him, “Remove the filthy garments from him.” And to him he said, “Behold, I have taken your iniquity away from you, and I will clothe you with pure vestments.”