
Cherry Creek Pre...

Cherry Creek Presbyterian Church

When Weakness is Enough
Judges 7
Feb 2, 2025 • Brad Strait
Sermon Devo
╬  Gideon was not a perfect follower of Yahweh, and yet the Spirit of the Lord filled him and accomplished great things through him. Even as you become increasingly aware of your imperfection and weakness, what would you step out in faith to do if you lived humbly dependent upon God’s enabling power?
╬  Gideon lived as a man of his time. God was small, the gods of the pagans were appealing, and enemies of Israel were powerful and merciless. Stop to consider possible parallels in your life today. How big is your God? Are there gods of our time that are appealing to you and that you find yourself pursuing? Who are the enemies of the people of God that wield power against the righteous life that God prescribes for his people? Remember Jesus’ instruction in Matthew 5:43-48. “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. . .” In what ways is Jesus inviting you to live as a beloved child of your Father in heaven?