
Cherry Creek Pre...

Cherry Creek Presbyterian Church

When Leadership Works: Deborah & Barak
Judges 4 & 5
Jan 19, 2025 • Brad Strait
Sermon Devo
Conversation Starters
╬  Doubt and fear are understandable against a great enemy. Barak was called by God, through Deborah, to bring God’s rescue to the Israelites. But Barak doubted. He feared the enormous enemy and believed his doubts more than God’s promise. As a result, God used another to do what Barak did not do. When have you fallen to the power of fear? What outcomes do you regret?
╬ Like Deborah, we also live in troubled times. God has called each of us to be leaders in the spheres in which He has placed us. “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10). How is God calling you to step up in leadership today?