Theme: Ascension of God’s Choice
Passage: 2 Samuel 4–5
God’s chosen ones ...
1. Oppose violence and grasping for power (4:1–12).
a. Vengeance is never ours.
b. Brotherly rivalry ends disastrously.
c. Violence and grasping for power must be confronted.
2. Lead by shepherding (5:1–5).
3. Embody God’s powerful presence (5:6–10).
4. Do what God commands (5:11–25).
a. The Lord directs.
b. The Lord delivers.
Main Idea: God’s chosen ones look to God to raise them up.
Application Questions:
· How could David’s response (4:9–12) to the violent actions of Baanah and Rekab be seen as both the deterrent as well as the promotion of further violence? How was David vindicated for his actions against them? Should the believer today ever utilize violence? Why or why not (defend from scripture, especially the NT)?
· Do you think the shepherd metaphor (5:2) only applies to God’s leaders at the highest levels (king; pastor/elders)? Why or why not? In what ways should your life display shepherding care?
· How has God displayed his powerful presence in your life (5:10)? Is there anything that we can do to promote God’s presence in and through our lives?
· What specific commands has God impressed upon your mind in the past weeks? How are you doing at seeking to obey Him in this?
· As you experience God’s victory through difficulties that arise in your life, what temptations seem to lurk around the corner for you? How is God leading you to deal with these in a way that pleases Him?