
Clearwater Commu...

Clearwater Community Church - FL

December 11, 2022
Out of Egypt I Called My Son
Dec 11, 2022 • Pastor Phil Burggraff • Matthew 2:13-18
The Thread
Christmas Services
Theme: “Out of Egypt I Called My Son”
Passage: Matthew 2:13–18
Main Idea: In a world of suffering, opposition, and death, God produces life through the faith and obedience of His followers.
Trusting and Obeying God will ...
1.    Make things physically uncomfortable.
a.    It will disrupt your ideal plans.
b.    It will alienate you from this world.
2.    Face spiritual opposition.
a.    It enrages those who reject God.
b.    They will attempt to stamp out truth.
3.    Be used by God to accomplish His saving purposes.
a.    He permits suffering.
b.    He works through the suffering and opposition to bring about His plans.
Application Questions:
·     If you were to use one word to describe your current feelings about the state of things in this world, what would it be? Why?
·     From scripture as well as your own experience, how does God use suffering to accomplish his purposes? Can you see Him using suffering in your own experiences? What have you learned as a result?
·     Why do people become so enraged and even at times lash out at God’s will and plans?
·     Going back to the first question, why and how can you as a believer remain hopeful despite the state of things?