
BridgeWay Christ...

BridgeWay Christian Church

01 - Introduction: The Servant Of God
Selected Scriptures
Jan 27, 2019 • Pastor Ronald H. Gann
Written by Peter's personal confidant, the Gospel of MARK chronicles the ministry, sermons, and parables of Jesus Christ. It showcases Christ as the servant Messiah who, as the Son of God incarnate, was sent to suffer and serve in order to rescue and restore mankind. The shortest of the four Gospels, MARK is divided into two sections: The first eight chapters depict Christ's ministry in the north (Galilee) whereas the last eight chapters depict his ministry in the south (Judea). Culminating in the cross, Mark presents the death and resurrection of Christ as the supreme example of servanthood. Pastor Ronald H. Gann looks at the life of Christ through the eyes of John Mark in this thorough but concise sermons series.