
BridgeWay Christ...

BridgeWay Christian Church

07 - The Christ Who Cleanses
Mark 1:40-45
Mar 10, 2019 • Pastor Ronald H. Gann
“Make me clean, make me clean.” Imagine the visual. A grown man comes out of nowhere in tattered rags and bows the knee to Jesus in total humility. The very fact that this man was willing to violate God’s Law for lepers, breach all societal rules of decorum, and approach Jesus told Jesus all that he needed to know about him. This man was desperate. In the clearest sense, leprosy in the Bible is a picture of man’s sinful condition. It’s destructive, pervasive, ugly, and incurable. Just as leprosy destroys physical health and makes a person an outcast with other men, so sin destroys our spiritual health and makes a person an outcast with God. Pastor Ronald H. Gann looks at the life of Christ through the eyes of John Mark in this thorough but concise sermons series.