
BridgeWay Christ...

BridgeWay Christian Church

11 - Lord Of The Sabbath (Part 1)
Mark 2:23-28
Apr 14, 2019 • Pastor Ronald H. Gann
In Mark 2:23-28, Jesus and his disciples got caught red-handed doing the unthinkable -- violating the deeply-cherished man-made rules and rabbinic customs which had been imposed upon the Sabbath. To the point, they were caught picking grain on the Sabbath. However, instead of running from the Pharisees in fear, the Lord stood tall before them and declared himself not only innocent of breaking the Law of God but also the Lord of the Sabbath. It was a claim that all but sealed his death warrant. Pastor Ronald H. Gann looks at the life of Christ through the eyes of John Mark in this thorough but concise sermons series.