
AnchorHouse TV

AnchorHouse TV

Be the Light
Center Series: Part 2
Rachel Barrentine
Anchor Notes: Be the Light
DIVE DEEPER: Have you ever experienced someone who is the epitome of "Being the Light"? What characteristics do they have? What is their attitude or spirit like? Are you drawn to them? ANCHOR PASSAGES: Genesis 1:3-5 Exodus 13:21 Job 18 (just a lot about light in this passage, if it peaks your interest) Job 38:15 Psalm 27:1, 89:15, 119:30, Proverbs 4:18 Find more great Scriptures at BibleGateway.com. Just type in the word "light" and see what comes up. Enjoy the journey! Pick an area to focus on this week. Think of ways you can be the light in that particular area. (Family, marriage or dating relationship, work ethic, school, on the job, around the house, etc.) ANCHOR POINT: God is Light. If you want to be a deLIGHT, hang around Him. You start to reflect who you have been with. PRAYER: Jesus, thank You for being the Light of the World. Open my eyes and heart to see all the avenues of Your light shining through. Show me ways to reflect Your heart to everyone I encounter. In Jesus name, Amen. ----- Be sure to leave a comment or question about what you're learning! Cheering for you, Team AHTV