Q: Which part of your personality struggles the most with surrender? Is it easy for you or difficult? Why or why not?
Q: Does your relationship with God have any raw spots? Would you be willing to ask Him about that area, and let Him walk you through it? If so, close your eyes, settle your mind, and let Him guide your thoughts regarding the raw spot. If you experience any “aha” moment with Him, write it down. It’s important to keep track of your God insights.
Psalm 19:7, 20:7, 25:3 & 10, 28:7
Philippians 4:11-13
Papa God is trustworthy. The more you believe that, the more you’ll be willing to stay surrendered. Any area not surrendered to God, will eventually be surrendered to something else. That something else is not nearly as good as Papa God.
Papa, begin to show me the misguided places and things I have surrendered to. Redirect my heart back to You. Alert my spirit the moment I step out of trust with You. Guide me into deeper trust. My heart is settled when I surrender. Thank you for being worthy of my trust. In Jesus name. Amen.