
AnchorHouse TV

AnchorHouse TV

No Other Name
Center Series: Part 7
Rachel Barrentine
Anchor Notes: No Other Name
DIVE DEEPER: Q: Why is it important that Jesus name is not like other gods? What’s the big deal? Q: Is there anything you’re adding to Jesus unintentionally? (For instance: I trust Jesus + myself. Jesus + my talents. Jesus + my grades. Jesus + a little bit of Buddha?) Q: Are you in an exclusive relationship with Jesus…or are you fooling around with other “gods”? If so, are you ready to break up? If not, how are you keeping your love fresh? ANCHOR PASSAGES: Phil. 2:9-11 Prov. 18:10 Micah 4:5 Romans 10:10-13 (Amplified version is rich here!) John 14:6 Is. 45:5-7 ANCHOR POINT: There is unique power, peace, and provision in the name of Jesus. You can’t get those anywhere else. Jesus is unequalled. There is none like Him. PRAYER: Jesus, I praise You and honor Your name. There is no other name higher or greater than Yours. You are above all things and in You all things hold together. Thank You for Your creative power, for Your sacrifice for my sins. Thank You for raising my spirit back to life so that I can have a vibrant, exclusive relationship with You. All my needs, dreams, and identity are found in You Jesus. I bless Your name. Amen.