DIVE DEEPERQ: Are you “in the middle” of anything right now? What are you asking God for? How can you invite Him into this particular situation?Q: How has God showed Himself faithful to you in the past?Q: Is there anything you are offended at God for? Would you be willing to release this offense? If so, what does that look or sound like for you?ANCHOR PASSAGES:2 Cor. 4:16-8James 1:1-4Philippians 1:6ANCHOR POINT:God is past, present, and future. This means He is with you and for you beginning, middle, and end. Ask God to awaken your awareness of HIs faithfulness.PRAYER:Papa, thank You for being with me and for me through every circumstance. I release the anger and offenses I have carried and held against You. Bring healing to my heart and soul; even to the places in my subconscious. Lift my spiritual eyes, and let me see with Your point of view. Release fresh trust into my spirit. Thank you for being my Advocate and Refuge in every “in the middle” moment.