
Stand in the Gap

Stand in the Gap

The Greatest Needs Confronting America Series: The Need for Endurance
Feb 27, 2025
Transcript: What does every Christian need? Endurance! It’s been said the Christian life’s not a sprint. but a marathon. And it’s true! But how do you run the race with endurance? Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with another Stand in the Gap Minute. Hebrews 12 teaches us to “run with endurance the race set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith.” These powerful words of Scripture remind us our victory is found in our relentless pursuit of Christ. We live in a culture that values speed. We cook food in a microwave, and find ourselves frustrated if our internet connection’s too slow. This attitude though often creeps into our spiritual lives, as we find ourselves ready to give up when God doesn’t answer right away. Yet Scripture’s filled with examples of those who made a great impact by not giving up. Let’s run with endurance and focus on Jesus today. Discover more at American Pastors Network dot net.