Transcript: This week I’ll talk about walking with God, walking by faith, walking in the Spirit, and walking in the light. Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with another Stand in the Gap Minute. Gen 5 tells us about Enoch, a man who ‘walked with God’. While others walked in sin, Enoch had a righteous walk. Separate from the world, his friends knew it well. To them, he was out of step. To God, He was right in step. Heb. 11:5 later records that Enoch ‘pleased God’ and so much so, that in a split second, God literally took him from an evil world to a holy heaven. Enoch did not taste death. What a remarkable life journey. While we’ll not likely be translated like Enoch, those of us alive today could be raptured and not taste of death. Now what a thought that is. May we all strive, like Enoch to ‘walk with God’ so that our walk would in every way “please God’. Discover more at American Pastors Network dot net.